Sunday, January 18, 2015

Weeks 10-16 PLUS our 2nd & 3rd Dr appointment

We have FINALLY crossed into the 2nd trimester!  WHOOP! I can definitely tell you I am starting to get the hang of this pregnancy thing. I can not believe how fast this is going. It makes me sad honestly. Even though, I have vocally been unsure on every feeling my body given me and a little weirded out by it, I love being pregnant. I have embraced it and still can't believe this is happening.

Guess who's eating for 2?!
Well, we have officially told everyone. We finished up telling out families on Thanksgiving. my husband didn't want to do anything crazy to tell his family. However, I was dying to do something fun  for one of them so it was mine. lol.

10 weeks on Thanksgiving
The feeling of being sick at night has slowly suppressed over the weeks and I have be learning what I can and CAN NOT eat right before bed.

Cravings: I am still having a bowl of cereal every morning before I workout. Besides that, no huge cravings.
Get that away from me: I tried my favoriate  Orange chicken and fried rice from Trader Joe's and wanted nothing to do with it :( . I didn't try no more then 2 bites because I don't want to hate it when i go to try in again.

2nd doctor appointment: December 8, 2014:
Appointment went well. We met with a practitioner in the office that gave us a lot baby information. A bit overwhelming but we've had some time to look over it and digest it.  The practitioner had a little trouble finding the heartbeat so we had another ultrasound and everything was AMAZING. Heartbeat was 173.

Auntie Kelly gave Baby B some new outfits. 
3rd doctor appointment: January 5, 2014:
The doctor had no problem finding the heart beat. Strong at 150. He also said the little ruffles in the sound of the ultrasound meant that baby was kicking. Gosh, I didn't know my heart could grow much bigger. I am so in love with this little one already!

Well we've made it through the Holidays with little exhaustion but it was VERY overwhelming for me this year. We are so busy on Christmas Eve and Day. I couldn't wait for Christmas Night to spend with just Nick and I after all the craziness. With my hormones going crazy, my anxiety through the roof, wrapping paper being thrown every direction. It sad to say this because I am not normally like this at all, but I was ready for this Holiday season to be over with.

This sums up my shopping trips. 
Growing belly....
Nothing is more frustrating then your clothes not fitting and you can not find anything when you go shopping. I am still rocking the hair tie on my button of my pants. Last week, it started to get comfortable, so I have started to look for jeans. I don't have many winter clothes to begin with, so with a growing baby in my belly, is not making this any easier. I can not wait until its warmer out so I can wear my dresses and be way more comfortable.

We have gotten asked a lot about names. We have a SMALL list of names. Yes, we're keeping them HUSH HUSH right now....sorry. We go back and forth every now and then with names and if we both agree then put it on the list. Once we find out the gender we will go from there. It's so nice to keep something private between my husband and I during the time.

Christmas Eve
Baby was spoiled by Grandma
Do I have a feeling of what were having:
I get asked about this a lot! I have never experienced this before so I have no idea. I can tell you I have dreams about the baby and there are days when I feel stronger about the gender then other days, but we will see NEXT MONTH!

Baby B just had his/her first plane ride to Pittsburgh last weekend! I did surprisingly well. I didn't know what to expect on the plane but all was well. The weekend was jam packed with Beachbody events and long days. Exhaustion caught up to me all last week and was able to sleep in this morning, FINALLY.

Baby popped out! 
We are feeling great and back to normal. My workouts have been great so I have decided I am going to start Insanity Max 30 TOMORROW! I will be doing the modifier so it's not so hard on my body and also altering some of the ab movements as well. It's so important to me to stick with my workouts and nutrition while pregnant. Don't get my wrong, the Baked Lays BBQ were my best friend last week and delicious. I could feel the aftereffects of those though and needed to get back on track. You can follow my Max 30 journey in the upcoming weekly posts I will be doing.

Week 16 

Week 17
Our next doctor appointment is February 9th where we will HOPEFULLY get a good view of the gender. We will be finding out with our families later in the month, so we are looking forward to that!

Time is going by so fast. i can't believe in a couple of weeks we will be half way through with the pregnancy, but we are so excited to meet him or her.

As always, thanks for following my journey!


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