Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What is Insanity MAX 30?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and also got some good Cyber Monday deals!  Speaking of deals, did you know that Shaun T, creator of programs like Hip Hop Abs, Insanity, T25, etc)  is coming out with a NEW fitness program?  It's called Insanity Max 30 and is going to be the next crazy insane fitness program that will give you unbelievable results!  So, I am loving every minute of these newer Beachbody fitness programs that are continually being released because they have been about 30 minutes or less!  Surely you can block out 30 minutes of your day, right?

Insanity Max 30 is all about pushing yourself to the limit.  It is taking home fitness programs to the EXTREME next level in just 30 minutes a day!  This is definitely a hardcore workout that will take dedication, motivation, and solid effort.  It is almost like a mental game of how far you can push yourself before you MAX OUT!  

I am super excited for this workout to come out and will be running an exclusive Insanity Max 30 test group beginning Monday, December 8th.  

So, what exactly IS Insanity Max 30?  Let me tell you a little about it so you can decide if you think it would be a good fit for you. 

Who is Insanity Max 30 for?

Before you rule out this program due to it's intensity, let me start by saying that there is a low-impact modifier in every workout.  The program actually comes with with a special feature so that the modifier stays on the screen at all times!  For those of you who have followed a modifier in other programs, you have probably run in to the issue of not being able to see exactly how to modify a move until several seconds in to a specific exercise. This will not be a problem with Max 30.  Setting the option and having the modifier on the screen at all times will make it easier to see and easier to follow. 

While there is no denying that this is an intense workout, a beginner who is looking to really jump start their fitness journey using an intense workout, or someone who is looking to take their fitness to the next level, would be a perfect candidate for Insanity Max 30.  When it comes down to it, it's not about being in great shape to handle the workout, it's about showing up every day and pushing yourself to YOUR max. 

What does it mean to "Max Out?"

The idea of "maxing out" isn't actually bad.  That's the point!  What you do is you go as hard as you can for as long as you can until you need a break, or until you MAX OUT!  Then, you write down your time, take your break, and jump back in! If you stick with the program and stay committed to your results, then you will notice that your max out time increases each week.  

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - 5 days a Week
What are the Insanity Max 30 workouts?

Insanity Max 30 is a 60 day program with two 30 day phases. You will be happy to hear that it is 30 minutes per day / 5 days per week. In addition, you get to switch up your workouts for the second month.  On a recent webinar, Shaun T talked about his incorporation of Tabata workouts. In the Tabata workouts you do 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off power moves.  During month two, those intervals increase to 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off.  

During month one, there are 2 cardio workouts, two strength workouts, and the Max 30 Friday Fight. 

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Cardio Challenge

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Sweat Intervals

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Power

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Tabata Strength

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Friday Fight Round 1

  During month two, you incorporate Max Out Cardio, Max Out Sweat, 2 Tabata strength workouts, and again, the Friday Fight Round 2. 

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Max Out Cardio

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Max Out Sweat

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Max Out Power

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Max Out Strength

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 - Friday Fight Round 2

So, overall, you get 10 workout DVD's, a MAX out Nutrition Guide, Restaurant Guide, and a Wall Calendar with your scheduled workouts.  When ordering through a Coach, like myself, you will also get a Coach Exclusive workout called Sweat Fest! 

If you are considering Insanity Max 30, there are a few options that you can choose from.  You can get the base kit, the deluxe kit, or the challenge pack.  So what's the difference?  The base kit (pictured below) will include everything described above.  

The challenge pack (which will be the December promotion - which means the best bang for your buck - will include the base kit AND a 30 day supply of Shakeology.

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 Base Kit

The Delux Kit (picture below) takes it up a notch and incorporates some extras including workouts, a Shakeology shaker cup, and portion control containers.  21 Day Fixers will be happy to know that the Insanity Max 30 nutrition plan DOES support the use of the 21 Day Fix containers!  

Insanity Max 30, Insanity Max 30 Test Group, new Shaun T Workout, Insanity Max 30 Workouts
Insanity Max 30 Deluxe Kit

How can you get it?

Insanity Max 30 will be released on December 9th; however, you will be able to get it through me a week earlier, which is THIS TUESDAY, December 2nd!!  If you don't already have a coach, you can sign up for a free membership (so that I am your coach) HERE!  

Exclusive Insanity Max 30 Test Group:
December 8th will begin an exclusive Insanity Max 30 Test Group.  If you are interested in joining and/or getting more info, please email me.  There will be limited availability within the group and spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. 

Requirements of the Challenge Group:
  • Insanity Max 30 Challenge Pack - includes the Base Kit (explained above), a one month supply of Shakeology, discounted shipping, and me as your coach!   The challenge pack will be a December promotion, plus it has everything you need to get started!

The Test group will include complete guidance, support, motivation, and accountability through the duration of the 60 day program.  I will incorporate weekly meal planning, post my personal meal plans, and everyone will replace one meal per day with Shakeology.   Truthfully, it is perfect timing to have Shakeology.  At this time of year we are tempted with lots of sweets.  Shakeology is a nutritionally dense meal replacement that provides you with your daily dose of nutrients.  When doing a workout such as Insanity Max 30, your body will need to be replenished with nutrients for recovery. Shakeology also has the proper carb to protein ratio which will help keep you feeling fuller, longer. There are all kinds of yummy "treat" recipes that you can make that will help you stay on track through the holiday season too!

So, what do you say?  Are you in?!  As your coach, I will not only be going through the program WITH you, but I will provide you with the support to stick with it and get GREAT results!  It will not become another fitness program that collects dust!  

Be sure to email me for more information and/or to join the exclusive test group!

In addition, feel free to send me a Facebook Friend Request so that you can see some great tips, motivation, recipes, and meal plans that I share throughout the week!

Independent Beachbody Coach 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

What's this PLUS ONE nonsense all about?

October 16th has always been a day I remember. Two days before my birthday. 2014 made it different.

Here is our story......

We've been married for over 3 years and have loved every single moment TOGETHER. I can not get enough of my husband. We knew we've always wanted to have kids when the time was right. Over the years we've gotten asked SO many times, "when are you having kids?", "you know your up next for kids", or my favorite from a coworker of mine that basically said I needed to start having kids because (at that time) I was turning 28.  I sat back and thought WOW I really am getting to "THAT" age where its time to start popping out kids or should've already been. Little did anyone know what was going on behind the smile that we wore when people asked us.

If you don't know me, my life revolves around a plan. I had this plan. I wanted my child's birthday in March. So what do I do next? I stopped my anxiety medication in mid February when I left a VERY STRESSFUL job. Next up, my lifeline to clear skin.....  my pills. I stopped taking my birth control in June and I would get pregnant RIGHT AWAY and have a baby due in MARCH. Why March?  It was the beginning of Spring, which I love, and no one else had a birthday. The weeks rolled by and nothing was happening. I began to get sad about it. I had so many thoughts wondering through my head, "what if were not able to get pregnant?" "we should've started sooner", "OMG, my age may be making a different." My husband would console me and tell me that it will happen we just have to give it time. Months rolled by. My stress would continue to fluctuate but would be able to control that on my own. No matter how hard I tried, I tried not to think about the family that we wanted so badly. There was a point in early September this wasn't the time and sure enough it wasn't. I came to a point where I was okay with not having my child born in March. Life throws us curve balls and somethings don't go as planned. This made me live a little more adventurous. This was happening for a reason. I texted my husband, "everything happens for a reason and we weren't dealt this if we were not able to handle it."  After many discussions with people and co workers, we finally decided it was time to call my Dr. to schedule a time to come in just to make sure everything is working right.

Wednesday, October 15th 2014.
Made the call I have been dreading to my Dr. "We are having a little problem with getting pregnant, it's just not working out for us." The nurse scheduled me to come into the office on Monday, October 20th at 1:10PM. Alright, now I have to figure out how I am going to get off work without letting my office know. At this point, not many people but our close family and a few friends know we are trying to get pregnant. Email sent to my boss and afternoon off was approved. GREAT. Never looked towards a Monday so bad before.

Thursday, October 16th 2014
My sister, brother-in-law, and my nephews came over so I could color my sister's hair. We had a huge discussion about why I shouldn't be running the half marathon on that coming Sunday (10/19/14) due to a knee injury I sustained late August. I was determined to do it. My sister's family left, sat with my husband watching the Cardinals game. Out of nowhere, I told my husband that I was going to take a test because this coming weekend would involve a lot of booze for my birthday.

9:47 PM: longest 3 minutes of my life......
Okay, there's one line and there is a second line that is lighter. No, no. I was so use to the single line coming up in previous tests. I pulled out the directions and read under the pregnant description, " second line may appear lighter." Holy shit I am PREGNANT. I call my husband to come to the bathroom and check this out. No Way. "OMG, I need to call my mom." After us sitting there in awe I told my husband I needed another test and I would take tomorrow morning. He left for the store and I went to shower. Still in shock that there were 2 lines. My husband came back and insisted on me taking the test that night and told him I would take it the next morning.

Friday, October 17th 5am....
Test says, "YES +." Un freaking believable. I woke up my husband. I couldn't believe it. I sat at my desk all morning before work just in complete shock. I called my Dr. on the way to work and sure enough "Congratulations, your about 4 weeks." Soooo that's why my stomach was hurting and that's why I've been so exhausted. Holy smokes I AM PREGNANT. I took my lunch break and searched EXPECTING for 30 minutes straight and everything I found, I relayed to my husband. We were in zombie mode. We could not believe it.

Did I mention that we had planned a whole birthday weekend for me filled with dinners & a trip to the winery?

My nerves were going crazy, we had to somehow not let anyone know that we were expecting. Throughout the afternoon, we tried to go through every single thing we could think of and ultimately, we told my family at dinner and went to my in laws and told them as well. Both families could not be more excited for us.

Nerves calmed.

Needless to say, we made it through the weekend and lips were sealed. It still hasn't hit us yet. We go on November 17th for our first dr appointment and our first ultrasound. I think once we seen our little bean on the screen, it will all become real.

We are so excited to share our journey with you. These next 9 months can not go soon enough.

Independent Beachbody Coach.

Week 5
Monday, October 27th.

It's still so surreal for us. We are counting down the days until we go to the dr. to see our little one. I am loving this time right now when NO ONE knows but our families & my husband's boss. Such a beautiful and private time that I will cherish.

How am I feeling?
I am feeling pretty good. Earlier last week I was exhausted so we watched more t.v. then normal after work and caught up on some much needed sleep. I have had a bit of cramping but according to what  I have read on apps that I have downloaded, seems normal. I have been in contact with my Dr. earlier last week regarding basic nutrition questions. Guess who gets to keep drinking her SHAKEOLOGY?!?!?!  One healthy baby on the way.




 Week 6-9 & first doctor appointment   
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Well, the full effects of feeling fatigued, "morning sickness", and indigestion has fully set in. I just
started feeling normal again on Monday. Instead of "morning sickness" it should be called "longest hangover ever feeling". I would be fine in the morning and throughout the day, but the second I showered and went to bed it was almost instant. Slept sitting up for a couple days due to the horrible indigestions which then would make me feel more sick then I already was.

I knew that you would be exhausted and sleep a lot in the first trimester, but holy smokes, I didn't think going to bed at 8PM and sleeping 10 hours would be that. It was the same routine every night for about 3 weeks: come home, eat dinner, shower, bed. My poor husband was left to hang out a lot but he has been the biggest trooper with getting things I need or rubbing my back to make me feel better.

 Back to working out on a regular basis after I took last week off to sleep. The cravings have been so strange. All I have been wanting is cereal. I haven't had cereal in a year! Today was Lion's Choice & tacos. I have been doing well throughout the day with my snacks and breakfast. Shakeology here and there.

I am learning when to limit my body and when I am full. This is a whole new experience that my husband and I are going through together and learning so much. I am learning about my body, more then I would ever of thought.

Here we are with 9 full weeks under our belt and we are more excited then ever.

First doctor's appointment:
First family picture
Ahhh we made it through it. It was on Monday, November 17th. The day we have been waiting for, for a month and to finally feel that this dream is REAL. We were nervous, but super excited. We had no idea what to expect. We got the ultrasound done first. There is a BABY there. my heart just flutters  saying that. The heart beat is strong at 170. Everything is looking good according to the ultrasound tech and when my doctor looked over the results as well.
Blood work was also done. Got those results back today and everything is look GOOD!

Bump pictures will be coming soon as well. Starting those this week.

I don't ever want to wake up from the dream we are finally living. Such a beautiful thing.

For now friends.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Black Friday is coming EARLY.

It’s that time of year again! I cannot believe it. Who doesn’t love a good sale?!?! I have been a coach for 1 1/2 years and this company really knows how show the savings. I mean, up to 77% off, REALLY???  
So with a good sale……………….. I am excited to announce that Beachbody is kicking off its Black Friday Sale Tuesday, November 25th (by 5pm PST) until Tuesday, December 2nd. Limited quantities and these will sell out before the 2nd. Some of the items will sell out within hours. THESE. ARE. HOT. DEALS.
Many of your favorite programs will be discounted. What is a better way to celebrate the healthiest time of year then splurge on someone else?
Take a look at the amazing savings below.

Independent Beachbody Coach 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Salsa Chicken

I was in need of a new recipe so I spent some time searching on my favorite websites.  I came across this one from HeandSheEatClean.com and figured I'd give it a try!  I LOVE crock pot meals, especially ones that don't have a lot of ingredients!  I have to say, it made my kitchen smell fantastic all day long and was absolutely delicious! 

1-2 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 large diced tomatoes
1.5 cups (roughly) of your favorite salsa.  (I actually pre-made Homemade Salsa to keep it a bit cleaner)
2 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp red pepper flakes
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tsp cayenne pepper (if you want to make it spicy)

1. Place the chicken in a crock pop, as well as all of the other remaining ingredients.
2. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
3. After 7 hours, shred the chicken in the crock pot and allow it to cool down before serving.  
 **Before serving, I added some diced onions, red and green bell peppers, and a little lime to enhance the flavor! 

This meal makes for GREAT leftovers!  You can serve it with brown rice (which is what I did), wrap it up in a whole wheat tortilla, serve in salad, or even eat it as a lettuce wrap! 

Independent Beachbody Coach

Friday, October 17, 2014


Happy Friday friends!
I have been MIA for a bit on here. Its been a crazy couple of months. My husband and I were been going non stop this summer with being out of town or jammed packed almost every single weekend so we we're finally settling down and doing things around the house we haven’t done in mehhhhhhhhhhhhh 6 months.

Where have I been?
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ve seen me post about my knee injury late August. It has honestly thrown me off track a good couple of weeks. I didn’t work out for 2 weeks. Sifted through my programs to see which would be the best fit for my goals and avoiding any additional damage to my knee. I have not ran in a month and has mentally affected me. When I run, I let all my thoughts out. It’s my way of releasing the craziness of the days. I had a goal to finish my 2nd half marathon on October 19th. I have been going back and forth on this for some time if I should even run it. My knee hurts day to day, so my mind is constantly changing on this decision. I am a coach. I am encouraging people to reach for their goals & dreams. I am telling myself I can do this run, but there is a side of me that doesn’t want that additional injury. Decisions, decisions. Let me tell ya.

I am sitting here 2 days before the run and I have officially decided to run the 5K. My sister was over last night and thought I was crazy to still wanting to do it and then I told her I hadn't trained since Labor Day, so now she is worried about the distance. I have had this pit feeling in my stomach for about 2 weeks that I would end up in the hospital from my knee and we've got plans to go to the winery to celebrate my birthday.  Smart decision made. 

My apologies for all my followers who have helped me through this little halt. I am feeling great on what's to come. 

Chat with ya soon.

Independent Beachbody Coach

Monday, August 25, 2014

Stuffed Zucchini

I always like to seek out new recipes on Pinterest and found this one. As you know, i really DISLIKE trying new things but this is a KEEPER!! 
•3 tsp olive oil, divided
•1 clove garlic, diced
•1 small yellow onion, diced
•8 oz mushrooms, diced
•1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
•3 tbsp whole-wheat bread crumbs
•2 tbsp Parmesan cheese
•2 zucchini, halved, seeds and pulp removed (I did use some of the pulp to mix in with the other vegetables)
•1 Red, Yellow, or Green Bell pepper (I used a combination of all three!)
1.Preheat oven to 350°F.
2.Prepare stuffing: In a large pan on medium-high, heat 1 tsp oil. Add garlic, peppers, onion and mushrooms. Sauté until vegetables soften, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and add remaining 2 tsp oil, vinegar, bread crumbs and Parmesan. Mix thoroughly.
3.Spoon an equal amount of stuffing into each zucchini half. Bake on a foil-lined cookie sheet for 15 minutes.

Independent Beachbody Coach

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Summit in Las Vegas June 2014

Chalene & I
I know! I am super late at sharing my SUMMIT experience with you, but it has been processing ever since....NO JOKE.  So eat your heart out! 

WOW!!! Summit was absolutely MINDBLOWING! I can not tell you what an amazing experience Summit was for me. As an introvert, this was a HUGE step for me to travel to Vegas and attend this conference. 

So what is Summit? It’s a conference held over 3 days (Thursday-Saturday) where thousands of Beachbody coaches come together to workout with Beachbody’s trainers & attend sessions which are led by some of the TOP coaches in the company. 
Hubby & I before a night out
At the airport celebrating our anniversary. 
My husband and I arrived on Wednesday to spend our anniversary around Vegas. We were able to do a little shopping, site seeing, and enjoy ourselves on a rooftop with a few drinks. I was so happy to be spending this day with him before the madness broke out. We celebrated our anniversary with a nice dinner and a breathtaking view. 

Autumn doing a Q & A session 
Thursday morning started with a team meeting held by top coach, Lindsay Matway.  We were able to listen to a couple of the Top 10 coaches speak as well. We also attend Chalene Johnson’s PiYO workout that afternoon long with hundreds of other coaches. Beachbody had their opening sessions which was awesome. We learned about Tony Horton's new program P90 that is set to be released Fall 2014. The ultimate reset launched it's new product the 3 Day Refresh which is currently available. 

We were able to hear Darren Hardy speak as well. My biggest take away from it, I LOVE TO FAIL. I am always so scared o fail. I put so much into my daily duties at home & at work and the thought of failure terrifies me. Hearing this, make me realize that IT IS OKAY. 

We started Friday off with a workout at 6AM held by Autumn Calabrese, creator of the 21 Day Fix. Holllaaaa. It was absolutely AMAZING. I was star struck for sure! We attended our general sessions and learned some greatness to grow our business from  some amazing leaders. After grabbing a bite to eat with my husband, we had every intention of going to the taken & physique show, that we fell asleep. 

Melanie & I (My personally sponsored coach) 
Lindsay & I (top coach of 2013)

Nick & I before our morning workout

Our final day, came around. Saturday! We got up around 2:30AM Vegas time and headed to get a great spot at the Super Workout which was actually in the back of the MGM Hotel parking lot. Still dark out, chatting with other coaches, it was so surreal to me. I stopped and took everything in at that moment, and was nearly brought to tears with my feelings about this trip. The workout was amazing. We got our sweat on with Shaun T, Tony Horton, Chalene Johnson, Autumn Calabrese, Joel & Jerico from Les Mills series. We were a bit crammed but the energy was amazing and it was a great workout. We got ready for more general session with some great coaches about learning to build our business into a full time job, how to promote on social media, and how to become a better person as well. It's so crazy to sit in these session with the people you admire and have been following on social media for so long.
Super workout Saturday morning

We had a final night of get togethers at the Celebration which awarded the Top Coach award and put on a HUGE production. With that concluding, we had a celebration after party. My husband and I went for a few minutes but it was so hard to keep our eyes open we went back to the hotel and crashed as we were setting to travel back home at 6AM the next day.

This trip was a whirlwind of surprises. I had debated about going because of the financial aspect of it, but was told so many times that it would be worth every single penny. Ahhh and was everyone right on that or what?!?!  This is a trip I not only was able to experience with my husband, but also met so many new people on my team that I normally talk to through Facebook. I have said it over and over but this is something i will truly treasure forever and will never forget.

Cheers to growing my business for the next year and growing as an individual!


Independent Beachbody Coach 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Green Bean, Walnut, and Feta Salad

Kosher salt (dill)
1 1/2 pounds green beans, trimmed
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups toasted chopped walnuts
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
3/4 cup olive oil
1 cup feta, crumbled
Freshly cracked black pepper
Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat and season with a large pinch of salt. Add the green beans and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until tender but still crisp. Transfer to a boil of iced water to cool and then drain and pat dry.
Add the green beans, onions, and walnuts to a large bowl.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the vinegar and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Pour the vinaigrette over the green beans, onions, and walnuts and toss to combine. Transfer to a platter and top with crumbled feta and freshly cracked black pepper.
This is an awesome side that is just so simple to make!  I like to use dill instead of salt, and it still has an awesome taste! Enjoy, and share this recipe with friends and family, its great for holiday parties or even for a sit down dinner!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

3 Day Refresh: My thoughts & results

Whooo hoooo. I have officially completed the 3 Day Refresh. I wanted to share my thoughts & results with you so you could get a feel for it.
So the 3 day refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss.  You can quickly drop a few pounds, break a bad habit and get back on track!  It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy and  your metabolism going.  It is not a juice or fasting diet but a healthy diet that is going to give your body nutrition vs starvation. 
I was nervous to do this because I have a super-fast metabolism. I like doing body resets (as I call them) on the weekends because I don’t think about it and were always on the go on the weekends so it makes it go by faster.

Here is a look at the meal plan outline. I am a creature of habit and I kept my dinners the same, Stir Fry Veggies, which were amazing!
Meal plan for the Refresh

Each day you will log into the group for your tip of the day, daily motivation, inspiration and accountability. I will share recipes along with ways to handle late night munchies, sugar cravings, emotional eating, temptations and more.  You will be accountable each day to report with the group your food and your workouts! 
My results were amazing! I lost 4LBS while on the REFRESH. After day 1, I didn’t loose anything. I was starting to get discouraged, but reminded myself that my body was kick starting and just getting the movement. I didn’t step on the scale after that until day 4 morning, so when I was COMPLETELY done with the Refresh. My bloating went buhbye, my mind is CLEAR, and I feel like I have completely reset my body.

I didn’t want to just post about it and not invite YOU to be apart of this amazing journey, so I am kicking off August with this  brand new 3-Day Refresh Program and incorporate that into a 30 day clean eating & Shakeology group! YES!  This is perfect!  Ok so why is it perfect you might ask?!

Dinner Time
Once we jump start our weight loss clear out the gunk we can preserve our results and not slide back into old habits by continuing on for 30 days of clean eating!  So my thought process is this.  I don't want you to do the 3 day refresh and just go back to how it was before you started.  I want you to maintain and make progress.  So for 30 days I am going to teach you how to meal plan, how to prepare family friendly healthy recipes, give you snack ideas, teach you the importance of proper nutrition, the fundamentals of clean eating and how to fuel your body for energy and not comfort. 
Also, since vacation season is coming to an end & everyone is getting ready to head back to school, BUT still enjoy those BBQ’s, I am going to spend an entire week going over vacation tips, traveling rules, and how to enjoy your vacations and have balance without feeling deprived.  So no matter if you are traveling during this 30 days you can still feel accountable without guilt.
So how does this work?  Well if I am not your Team Beachbody Coach then you would make me your coach.  Contact me by emailing me, telling me you would like to join this opportunity.   You are required to purchase the 3-day refresh challenge pack from me as your coach.  Then, you are accepted into my closed online support group that will begin on August 4th.
Last day of the refresh!
We will start with the 3 Day Refresh then 30 days of replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, healthy eating and any exercise of your choice.  It does not have to be a Beachbody Fitness Program, although I encourage you to do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week!  :)  (21 Day Fix, P90X3, Chalean Extreme, Piyo, T25).
Pool day & planned my refresh

Day 2 Snack 

At the end of the 30 days we will measure our progress, submit our results and in 30 days you will have kicked bad habits, introduced new healthy habits and be on your way to creating life long health and wellness for you and your family!
Does this sound like something you would like to do?
If so, send me an email @sjbender11@gmail.com
Then, create a free account so that I am your Team Beachbody Coach.
 If you are anxious to get started then purchase your 3-day refresh challenge pack here and make sure to message me and I will add you to the group and get you up and running! 
3 Day refresh pack
 Stop saying tomorrow, stop putting off the small changes because you never know what tomorrow will bring!  You only have today, your health, your choices and this 1 life! It's so precious and I can't say enough about how important it is to take care of what we have! 
 So whether you need a total overhaul or just a few tweaks now is your time!  From woman to woman, mom to mom, business owner to business owner trust me YOU have TIME to put yourself FIRST for 30 minutes each day! 

Independent Beachbody Coach