Monday, May 18, 2015

Prego update: week 28-34

It’s been awhile! We have been so busy with every life and getting ready for the baby.
Things have been going really well, yet super busy for us. It seems like we waited til the last minute to do things until right before the baby arrives. We are taking our Labor & birth class at our local hospital this coming weekend and also a breast feeding class next week. Looking forward to it! My husband, not so sure about that.
We are now having our doctor appointments every other week and then every week starting at the end of May. We go in for belly measurements, listen to the heartbeat, and any questions we have. They have been pretty quick appointments. It’s so amazing to hear his heartbeat every time. Oh and he is head down already. I know there is a chance he could flip, but doc said at our last appointment there is a good chance he won’t. Gets me more excited to have him here.
Baby shower: 4/26/2015
My mom and sister threw us an amazing baby shower for Baby B. Had about 40 of our friends and family there to help shower our son. The food and the company was great. I get asked what was our favorite gift, honestly, we loved it all and will be put to good use for the baby.

How am I staying healthy:
My workouts have been few and far between. Cardio is the thing that makes me feel best. The weights were getting too much for my and bending down in the 21 day fix so I have switched to T25. My back has been hurting a lot while sitting down so any form of cardio has relieved the pressure. Since the weather has gotten a lot nicer and not too hot, we’ve been taking Stella on more walks and I have been doing that instead of my workout. It too hard not to go outside and enjoy it. My feet have started to swell when the temperature hits around 80. Some shoes don’t fint so the wardrobe is getting even SMALLER.  Prop  them up at night and I’m good to go the next morning.

It’s coming along!! We put of the crib this past weekend and that’s all that was left. We are going to start hanging stuff and then it will make its debut to you all. Until then, it’s underwraps.
I can not believe we have 6 weeks left until he arrives. We are so excited and cant wait to meet him.