Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Clean Eating Turkey Taco Casserole

As you know by now, I am getting the hang of cooking. I got this recipe from my coaches' page. It was AMAZING!!! I LOVE Mexican so this hit the spot. Didn't take long at all. I hope you enjoy this just as much as I just did.

1 lbs lean ground turkey, browned and drained.
1 small onion diced
1 small taco seasoning packet
8 oz jar of taco sauce
2 roma tomatoes diced
iceberg lettuce chopped
Plain Greek Yogurt (we like the Kirkland brand)
Low fat Cheddar Cheese (omit if you are stripping down your own meal plan)
Whole Grain Tortilla Shells (Hard ones)

Brown turkey and onion in a pan over medium high heat.
Drain off the liquid and add taco seasoning packet with 1/4 c water.
Stir until combined.  Then add taco sauce and stir.
Layer a baking dish with crunched up taco shells
Then put a layer of ground meat, thin layer of greek yogurt, tiny bit of cheddar cheese (emphasize TINY), then layer with shells, ground meat, greek yogurt and cheddar cheese on top.

Heat in 350 Degree oven for 15 minutes.

Let me know what you thought of it.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

25 Minutes a day

Week 3 day 6 of Health & Fitness group:

Today was my 6th day in my 3rd week of FOCUS T25 ALPHA round in my support group. This is such an awesome experience. I can't believe I have not blogged at all about the health & fitness group I am involved or the workout program I am doing. As coaches, we run support groups for different things. Anything from clean eating, to Shakeology shakeoffs, to health & fitness support groups. I am currently enrolled in a 60 day health & fitness group. My workout  is T25.
Who knew that you could get the same results in 25 minutes that you get when you spend an hour at the gym. I was always at the gym for an hour a day, busting my rear and sweating buckets. My husband and I would spend too much time there. When T25 was a choice, I grabbed it and ran with it. As our schedules are getting busier and not spending much time at home, this was the PERFECT one for me.
I am not even half way through with my session yet and have amazing results already. I can not wait to show my transformation photos.  I can tell I am improving each day with my speed and agility. On the other side of my support group I have been doing well in the nutrition department. Drinking Shakeology daily, working out, and sticking with my meal plan. It was very hard for me to catch on to the clean eating change. I was 26 eating like a 9 year old. I always thought to myself, I'll eat whatever I want, just work 10 times harder at the gym.....LITTLE DID I KNOW.
To give you an idea of a normal meal day, today I had:
Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, 2 pieces of Ezekiel bread- Cinnamon raisin, glass of 2% milk
AM Snack: 1/2 cup of peanuts, 1 cup of fresh cut strawberries
Lunch: 2 Turkey meat tacos on whole wheat tortillas, lettuce, & salsa
PM Snack: 2 rice cakes with all-natural peanut butter, 1 with sliced up banana on it
Dinner: Shakeology (Cinnamon Bun)
PM Snack: Shakeoloy protein ball
With clean eating, these healthy foods, give me the fuel I need to push through the day and come home to do my workouts. Once I finish up my workouts, I feel empowered. I feel great.

Things to think about:
What are YOU doing for you workout?
What are YOU doing to FUEL your body through out the day?
What motivates you to GET UP and workout?
What would MOTIVATE you to change your life style around?

I have health & fitness groups monthly. Contact me if you want to make the LIFESTYLE change today.



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now I am Betty Crocker

All of my friends and family know that I can NOT cook for the life of me. I felt horrible for my husband because we would have Mac & Cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, frozen pizza, anything you could think of that was easy and quick to make, we ate it. I was not a cook or baker when we met and remained the same when we got married. My husband comes from a family where his mother makes a meal for 15 when there is only 5. So much left over for the next week. So, here my husband comes from his home with his parents with endless amounts of food, to living with me where we have nothing but 9 year old food.

I wanted to be that wife who provided fulfilling meals for my husband. Soon after, my husband took over the cooking.

Once I  enrolled in my first clean eating group with my amazing coach, Melanie, she had endless amounts of recipes on her blog. I was overwhelmed. Thought to myself, "How am I able to make these healthy meals, if I can't cook PERIOD." After sifting through them and picking out the easiest to start, first recipe I tried was the Shakeology protein balls. I would like to share this recipe with you because my husband and I, LOVE these. These are great for sweet tooth cravings. My husband eats them as a small snack.

Shakeology Power Balls: No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology Balls

 8 tablespoons PB2, (low fat, high protein powdered peanut butter)

3 tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter

½ cup Shakeology

3 tablespoons raw honey

½ cup quick oats


Mix PB2 with water until it is a paste like consistency. Mix all ingredients, including PB2 mixture together in a mixing bowl. It may take some time to blend all of the ingredients together. If it’s to sticky, sprinkle in additional protein powder so that it’s a pretty dry/crumbly texture.

Next, roll mixture into small individual balls and place on a wax sheet. Makes about 12 balls, 1 oz each. Put them in the freezer until firm.

(These taste even better when made with 6 tbsp of PB2 and ½ cup of natural peanut butter, but the calories and fat are higher. If you find the recipe above is too chalky tasting, add the extra peanut butter.

 These are a HUGE hit at our house. Let me know how you liked them.
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Stay fit and healty on the weekend

Weekend is almost here. These are 2 of my hardest day while trying to stay in track with my clean eating.  Last weekend we went to the lake for my husband birthday and needless to say, I overindulged on junk that should never been picked up. I felt horrible for 3 days after. It took days for my body to recuperate from it. So advice to you for your weekend:


   1. Plan family activities like bike rides or outdoor games.  This helps you spend time with your family and burn calories all at once!

   2. Carry a water bottle with you to your weekend activities.  This will help you get your water for the day and resist the temptation to reach for a soda or other caffeinated beverage.

   3. Set some "weekend specific" goals for yourself based on the realities of what you'll be doing.  They may look very different than your weekday goals, and that's okay.

   4. If you are going to be out all day, pack some healthy snacks in case you get hungry.  There is nothing worse than being hungry at the mall, and the only food options are ice cream or pizza.

   5. Set Monday as your weigh-in day.  You are more likely to resist temptation if you have to face the scale first thing Monday morning.

   6. Plan ahead!!  If you are going out to eat, find the restaurant's menu (and any available nutritional information) online.  You'll have plenty of time to make a healthy choice before you get there.

  7. Don't save all of your splurging for the weekends. Allowing yourself a few treats throughout the week will help you avoid the mindset that the weekend is an excuse to go bonkers. And by spacing your treats evenly, you're less likely to get sudden, irresistible cravings.

Come Monday, you will feel and look fabulous while all those bar drinkers are still dragging from the weekend festivities.