Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now I am Betty Crocker

All of my friends and family know that I can NOT cook for the life of me. I felt horrible for my husband because we would have Mac & Cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, frozen pizza, anything you could think of that was easy and quick to make, we ate it. I was not a cook or baker when we met and remained the same when we got married. My husband comes from a family where his mother makes a meal for 15 when there is only 5. So much left over for the next week. So, here my husband comes from his home with his parents with endless amounts of food, to living with me where we have nothing but 9 year old food.

I wanted to be that wife who provided fulfilling meals for my husband. Soon after, my husband took over the cooking.

Once I  enrolled in my first clean eating group with my amazing coach, Melanie, she had endless amounts of recipes on her blog. I was overwhelmed. Thought to myself, "How am I able to make these healthy meals, if I can't cook PERIOD." After sifting through them and picking out the easiest to start, first recipe I tried was the Shakeology protein balls. I would like to share this recipe with you because my husband and I, LOVE these. These are great for sweet tooth cravings. My husband eats them as a small snack.

Shakeology Power Balls: No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Shakeology Balls

 8 tablespoons PB2, (low fat, high protein powdered peanut butter)

3 tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter

½ cup Shakeology

3 tablespoons raw honey

½ cup quick oats


Mix PB2 with water until it is a paste like consistency. Mix all ingredients, including PB2 mixture together in a mixing bowl. It may take some time to blend all of the ingredients together. If it’s to sticky, sprinkle in additional protein powder so that it’s a pretty dry/crumbly texture.

Next, roll mixture into small individual balls and place on a wax sheet. Makes about 12 balls, 1 oz each. Put them in the freezer until firm.

(These taste even better when made with 6 tbsp of PB2 and ½ cup of natural peanut butter, but the calories and fat are higher. If you find the recipe above is too chalky tasting, add the extra peanut butter.

 These are a HUGE hit at our house. Let me know how you liked them.
Thanks for stopping by!

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