Friday, April 24, 2015

Samoa Girl Scout Cookie Shakeology

So, my favorite Girl Scout cookie ever is the SAMOA! I have been craving themlately, so I decided to put a healthy spin on it. 

1 scoop of chocolate Shakeology

8 oz unsweetened almond milk

10 oz of water (or ice)

1 tsp coconut extract

1 tsp caramel extract

Blend ingredients well and enjoy!

Independent Beachbody Coach 


  1. Where are the "70" superfood ingredients? Or just the usual grammar and spelling mistake?

  2. M, The 70 super foods are ingredients in Shakelogy.

  3. It is alarming as a health coach that is your answer. The main ingredient, whey protein, is treated with BGH, which has major implications for both the user and their children. Even McDonalds and Tyson's chicken have committed to stop using this. Any legit health coach would know this.

    I honestly hope no one sees this advice as more than a sales ploy.

    1. M, Thank you for your feedback. I'm glad that you are aware of BGH, and so is our company. The whey protein isolate that is used in Shakeology is the highest commercial grade available. At this time, we do not require that it be organic. Our whey protein isolate is ion-filtered, antiobiotic-free and BST free. It is not from grass-fed cows. Team Beachbody requires certification from the supplier of the whey protein isolate for Shakeology to verify that the whey is not from cows treated with rBGH/rBST.

      I am sorry that you feel this is a "sales ploy". I feel very strongly about Shakeology and the good it provides for people.


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