Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 5: Turbo fire & meal plan Update

As another week has come and gone, I have my meal plan sitting on my fridge ready to go.  I tried two new recipes this week. A goal of mine is to try at least on new recipe each week.  That is why meal planning is so important.  I know some people think I'm crazy when they see how planned out my weeks are as far as food, but it saves me so much time throughout the week when I do this!  I don't have to worry about standing in front of the open pantry or refrigerator wondering what it is I want to eat.  That is when you make those bad choices!  For me, I prepare and portion all of my snacks, clean my fruit, cup up my veggies, and have everything at eye level in the refrigerator and/or pantry.  Why?  Well because things at eye level are more than likely to be "grabbed" when you are hungry and in a rush to eat.  Another reason why is because even though I eat as clean as I can, there are still food choices in my house that I know I shouldn't eat.  They aren't terrible, just some snacks for my husband


So, here is my meal plan from the past week!  At no point throughout the week did I guess on what I want to snack on, or what I want to make for dinner.  EVERYONE eats the same dinner at my house.  I started planning out my meals this summer.  It took me a little longer at first (maybe 45 minutes); however, now that I have a collection of recipes and snacks that I like to eat, the process only takes about 15 to 20 minutes each week.  I'm a creature of habit and do like to eat similar things each day, plus, it saves me some money because I can buy in bulk. 


 That is actually a question that I get quite frequently..."Isn't it expensive to eat that way?" My answer, NO!  In fact, we have saved money on our weekly groceries!  I'm not buying a lot of processed food and I'm flavoring my dinners with herbs and spices.  In addition, I'm pre-portioning out my snacks, so, a bag of almonds actually lasts me quite a while now!



  As for the best part of my meal plan, Shakeology of course!  I love that I have a meal that is not only delicious, but that is quick to make, healthy to drink, and gives me my energy and curbed cravings that I need throughout the day.  A recent survey has been released about Shakeology.  This shows just how effective Shakeology is.  It is not filled with hidden ingredients and additives.  It is an all natural shake that you can consciously drink, knowing that it is providing you with your daily dose of nutrients.


Many people hesitate to try Shakeology because they don't want to invest in a month supply, even though there is a money back guarantee.  So, I decided to purchase a box of individual packets to sell for people who maybe just want to give it a try for a few days.  There is also a GREAT 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse if you are looking to lose weight quickly but in a healthy way.  I'm thinking of doing another 3 Day Cleanse next week so if you are interested and want to give it a try with me, message or email me!

 Ok on to my TurboFire update.  So, I absolutely LOVE TurboFire. I can’t believe I am already done with week 5 with Chalene. This is my first workout with Chalene and couldn’t be happier with it. TurboFire is more of a dancing type, high intensity workout. She makes it fun and the workout goes quick.

Overall, things are going pretty well here.  My big goal is to consistently stick with my healthy lifestyle so that I don't over indulge throughout the holiday season, which is so easy to do!  If motivation, support, and accountability are something that you need to help you get through the holiday season, contact me about joining my Holiday Survival Guide Group beginning Monday, December 2nd.  Don't think that you won't be able to enjoy the holidays.  I will help you create a healthy balance between making good choices and still being able to indulge in your favorite holiday treats!

Let's start the next week off right!

Independent Beachbody coach

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